Becoming the Family Heart Foundation
As we near the end of 2021, we are also celebrating a decade of success for the FH Foundation as this year marks the 10th Anniversary of our founding.
I had a heart attack at the age of 39, a diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) at 41 and, years later, I found out I also had elevated levels of Lipoprotein(a) — known as Lp(a). At the time of my diagnosis, I realized that I was not the only one who had experienced a missed diagnosis and early heart disease. I knew that more research, education, and awareness was needed at every level of our healthcare system in order to effect real change. My own personal experience led me to create the FH Foundation a decade ago to transform the way people living with genetic drivers of heart disease and stroke would receive the care they need to live longer, healthier lives.
It has been an honor to work with partners, advocates, scientists and others in the medical community to serve the neevvvvvds of individuals and families at high risk for heart disease due to FH, including homozygous FH, the rare and most severe form of FH. Together, we have increasingly addressed the needs of those with elevated Lp(a), including those with FH who also have Lp(a). We have been a driver of innovative research to improve identification and care of people with these inherited lipid disorders, leveraging unique data assets, medical expertise, and patient insights. Our history of success positions us to provide education, awareness, advocacy, and support to millions more families at risk.
That is why, following a decade of success, we have expanded our mission and changed our name to reflect this larger mission. The FH Foundation is now the Family Heart Foundation! We have a new logo and an updated website with more information about Lp(a) along with FH. We expanded our mission so that we can drive awareness about, advance scientific understanding of, and empower patients and their families living with, elevated lipoprotein(a), familial hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular disease. We aim to break down barriers to proper medical management for those severe hypercholesterolemia and timely identification and care of both Lp(a) and FH.
The Family Heart Foundation is committed to continuing our pioneering work in the application of real-world data, patient-driven advocacy, and multi-stakeholder education to help prevent heart attacks and strokes caused by elevated Lp(a) and FH.
Join us as we celebrate our future as the Family Heart Foundation, and also 10 years of success rooted in collaboration, innovation, and commitment to improve the quality of care for individuals living with heart disease and inherited lipid disorders.
Let’s continue to chart the path to saving More Families. More Hearts.
Katherine Wilemon
Founder and CEO
Family Heart Foundation