Bempedoic Acid

Although statins are the first-line treatment for individuals with high LDL cholesterolfamilial hypercholesterolemia (FH), or high lipoprotein(a), also known as Lp(a), not all patients reach their LDL Safe Zone with statins.

In those cases, your healthcare provider may recommend bempedoic acid. This is a non-statin treatment that lowers LDL cholesterol by reducing the amount of cholesterol produced in the liver. Bempedoic acid blocks a key enzyme in the liver that leads to the production of cholesterol. When this enzyme is blocked, it reduces the amount of cholesterol made in the liver, and helps the liver remove LDL cholesterol that’s already in the bloodstream.

Bempedoic acid is an oral tablet taken once a day. In 2023, the results of a four-year study showed bempedoic acid reduced LDL cholesterol by 21%.

Types of Bempedoic Acid

Bempedoic Acid

  • Nexletol

Bempedoic Acid with Ezetimibe

  • Nexlizet

Who can take bempedoic acid?

In general, bemepdoic acid may be prescribed to:

  • People who have FH and are on maximally tolerated statins but haven’t reached their LDL goal or Safe Zone
  • People who have existing cardiovascular disease and are on maximally tolerated statins but haven’t reached their LDL goal or Safe Zone

Before taking bempedoic acid:

  • Check for interactions with drugs you are already taking. Bempedoic acid should not be taken with 20 mg or more of simvastatin or 40 mg or more of pravastatin.
  • Bempedoic acid can increase the risk of gout, so your healthcare provider may want to monitor your uric acid level.
  • Do not use bempedoic acid during pregnancy or while nursing, though adverse pregnancy events have not been reported.

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