Find FH patients in your practice

The Family Heart Foundation created the FIND FH® Machine Learning Model. This algorithm analyzes Electronic Health Record (EHR) data in a HIPAA compliant way to identify individuals at high risk for having familial hypercholesterolemia (FH).

The FIND FH® model was developed using over 350 variables, including diagnosis codes, procedure codes, prescription codes, lab values, gender, and age. The model was trained using data from over 221 million Americans (children and adults) with or at risk for cardiovascular disease in the Family Heart Database.

The model output allows providers to focus on undiagnosed individuals who need further evaluation to determine if they have FH.

The FIND FH Collaborative Learning Network

The Family Heart Foundation established the FIND FH Collaborative Learning Network (CLN). This network brings together academic and community health systems with the goal of identifying and implementing best practices to engage primary care physicians, perform successful outreach to patients at risk, and successfully schedule and complete diagnostic evaluations. Ultimately, the aim of the CLN is to provide FH patients and their families optimal lipid management.

The FIND FH CLN is an action-oriented, organizational network structure including:

  1. Patients, clinicians, researchers, community organizers, and policymakers aligned around a common goal of identifying, diagnosing, and improving the lives of patients who are at high risk for premature cardiovascular disease.
  2. Processes, standards, and infrastructure to enable full collaboration; and
  3. An environment where information, knowledge, and resources are created and shared that accelerate the pace and impact of improvements in FH management


The FIND FH Method

The FIND FH Method


  • Five (5) Health Systems are highly engaged in the FIND FH CLN 
  • Flag: More than 2,500 individuals across the five (5) partnering health systems were identified or “flagged” as probable FH using the machine learning model and returned thus far to the health systems for detailed administrative review. 
  • Approximately 80% of the flagged individuals were found to be eligible for clinical follow up. 


  • Clinical follow up: More than 800 individual charts have been reviewed to date
  • New Diagnosis: 230 patients have been newly diagnosed with FH associated with the FIND FH® program

FIND FH CLN Participants

  • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
  • Emory Healthcare
  • Ohio Health
  • University of Pennsylvania Health System
  • UT Southwestern Medical Center
  • Individuals living with FH
  • Additional partners are being recruited

Looking for more information about the FIND FH program?
